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Use Kami to Draw in Google Form

Kami has a free version, and a paid version for educators. This article shows how to use Kami with Google Classroom on the paid version. The paid version includes deeper integration to Google Classroom, such as assignment creation for teachers and the built-in Turn In button for students. 😍

To be able to use the Kami Google Classroom integration you must have:

  1. Google Classroom set up.

  2. The Kami Chrome extension and app installed onto your own and your students' Chrome browser. To install go to the Chrome Web Store, or use the Google Admin panel. Check out more details here:

Creating a Kami assignment directly through Google Classroom

With the new Kami integration, there is now the ability to directly create a Kami assignment. To do this follow the steps below:

Teachers Instructions:

Step 1: Creating a Kami Assignment

You need to go to the Classwork tab in your Classroom course, click the Create button in Classroom, and select Kami Assignment from the list of options.

You can also create a Kami Assignment from the home view by clicking Create Classroom Assignment.

Step 2: Select Material To Assign

Creating a Kami Assignment is similar to creating a normal Google Classroom assignment. You can create a title, add instructions, and attach a file using Google Drive or a local file. This will create an assignment within Classroom as well. We recommend selecting Make a copy for each student (selecting Students share one copy means they will all be annotating the original).

We've also added some new features to help the student,s with setup, device compatibility, and to allow the teacher more customization when setting up the assignment.

While you are creating assignments, there are a couple of features that can help customize the assignment and help the students with getting started.

The first option available is the "Send Kami Instructions to Students." This attaches a one-page Google Doc to the assignment with instructions for setting up Kami and getting started for the students to help get started with the assignment.

The second option is "Add Links for Mobile Devices" which attaches an extra link into the assignment that functions as an "open with Kami" button. This option is specifically designed for users who will be working from Ipads or similar model devices where the extension cannot be installed. See the article here for more information.

And the final option available is the "Feature restriction". These can be used to customize the toolbar available to the students for a specific assignment.

Once you click on the button, it will give you a list of the various tools and sub-options for each, and you can toggle them on or off as needed. Only the selected tools will appear for the students, but as the teacher, you will still have the entire toolbar available when grading.

Once you've got the assignment set up, you push Assign, and the Assignment goes out to the students.

You're all done! Now let's cover what the students see on their side.

The Student's workflow:

Step 1: Opening up a Kami Assignment

The students can open the file directly from Classroom into Kami. If the students have the Google Chrome extension installed, they can open the file into Kami directly from the preview window.

Step 2: Opening and Completing a Kami Assignment

After opening the file, students are then able to complete their work using the Kami tools. See this collection for ideas on using the Kami tools for different subjects.

Step 3: Turning in work for Grading

When a student is finished with their work they can then turn in the assignment directly into Google Classroom from Kami.

To turn in the file, the student should click the Turn In button in the top-right corner. This will force save the student's annotations and turn in the assignment back to Google Classroom.

The main advantage of this feature is that it cuts down the steps needed to turn an assignment in. For example, students no longer need to manually save their work.

On the Teacher's end:

Step 4: Grading with Kami

Kami allows you to view the student's work within Kami. You may view it before or after a student's document is turned in. You can view their work like you would normally go to view the student's work, in Google Classroom. Follow the instructions here to enable this feature.

When in the Google Classroom Grading window, you can mark, annotate, and then send back the work to the student.

This is the full workflow of using the Kami Integrations with Google Classroom from start to end, you are now able to create and send out assignments using Kami!

Note: This is only available on upgraded Kami accounts. For using Google Classroom with the free version of Kami, see this article:

If you need further assistance, please contact us at

Use Kami to Draw in Google Form
